Tuesday, 14 March 2017

My World War 1 Hero

Edouard Izac

  1. Edouard Izac was the youngest of 9 children

  2. He served as Democratic Congressman, 1936-1947
  3. Full Name - Edouard Victor Michael Izac
  4. Died in 1975 was 100
  5. Image result for Edouard IzacHe won the “Tiffany Medal Of Honour”Image result for medal of honor medal
  6. Represented California
  7. Died of congestive heart failure
  8. 19 grand children
  9. 25 great-grandchildren
  10. Only US Navy person to be awarded memorial medal in World War 1

I admire that he has been awarded the “Tiffany Medal Of Honour” and that he  had represented California.


  1. Hi Emily, Mala here. That is also one of my favourite warrior's!
    I love that photo of him !
    He's really brave.
    Go to my blog @ odsmalag@owairaka.school.nz

  2. Hi Mala Thanks for the great comment!
    He is really brave and it is a good photo of him!


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